We offer People Moving & Handling instructor training and “train the trainer” people moving courses. Bring our expertise into your organisation.
Moving & Handling of People instructor training
Having your own team of in-house Moving and Handling Instructors is an excellent way of managing the risk of injury posed to staff through Moving and Handling.
The flexibility of having an in-house team of Instructors enables organisations to respond quickly and effectively to Moving and Handling issues that become apparent, providing training and risk assessments to minimise any risks.
Osteopaths For Industry’s training portfolio includes an extensive range of people moving & handling practical skills and risk assessment training courses, suitable to train new instructors for your organisation or refresh existing ones.
Here are our most popular training courses for Manual Handling Instructors/Trainers, and we are also able to tailor the length and content of courses to meet your exact needs.
To train new People Moving & Handling Instructors… These courses are designed to train new instructors, who will then be able to train your delegates within your business.
To refresh existing People Moving & Handling Instructors… These courses are designed to refresh existing instructors. We recommend that refresher training is undertaken every 3 years. Your instructors DO NOT need to have been certified by OFI originally in order to participate in one of our refresher courses.
4 day People Moving & Handling Instructor course
- We can train up to 10 delegates in People Moving & Handling Practical Skills and Moving & Handling Risk Assessment.
2 day People Moving & Handling Risk Assessor Course
- We can train up to 10 of your delegates in People Moving and Handling Risk Assessment.
2 day People Moving & Handling Instructor Refresher course
- We can refresh up to 12 delegates in People Moving & Handling Practical Skills and Moving & Handling Risk Assessment.
1 day People Moving & Handling Risk Assessor Refresher Course
- We can refresh up to 10 of your delegates in People Moving and Handling Risk Assessment.
Our Moving and Handling Instructor Support Services include:
Post-Course Support Service

Your Moving and Handling Instructors will have access to our panel of expert trainers, in order to provide them with any help or advice they may require. We ensure that queries are answered within 24 hours.
Detailed Course Notes

Our Course Notes provide your newly qualified Moving and Handling Instructors with a resource to reference at any time. These can be tailored to suit your brand or specialist activities and apparatus that you use.
Trainer Support Slides

We provide Instructors with a short PowerPoint Presentation that they can then customise to use in their own training sessions. This can be fully tailored to your company brand, and working practices, prior to the course.
Your trainers will be fully supported throughout their certification period with the following free services:
Expert Help & Advice
Your colleagues have quick access to our experts for advice on any Moving & Handling issues they may have. We ensure that queries are answered within a maximum of 24 hours. Queries are submitted by email initially and one of our experts will call back to discuss the issue and help to resolve the problem.
Detailed Course Notes
Our Course Notes provide you with a detailed resource to reference at any time after the course. We are able to fully customise these to bring them in line with your corporate branding, including logos and pictures from your work sites, and to alter the content of the course notes to suit your working practices, processes and equipment in use.
Health & Safety Executive Material
We also provide several relevant documents from the HSE relating to Manual Handling, such as the MAC Tool and information on Manual Handling Aids.