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Thank you for your co-operation in completing this questionnaire. We appreciate your feedback and it helps us to ensure that we deliver the best possible service and training.

"*" indicates required fields

Your name*
Course start date*
Did you look at our website before booking the course - If so, what did you think of the site?
How would you rate the service you received when originally enquiring about this course?
How would you rate the service you received during the booking process for this course?
What did you think of the course materials and joining instructions that we sent out?
Was the course good value for money?
Would you book this course (or a similar course) again with us?
Would you be likely to recommend our company, Osteopaths For Industry, in the future?
Occasionally we may like to share your feedback and comments. This may be via printed or electronic media such as flyers, websites and emails (but not limited to this list). We would normally attribute your name and company to the feedback. By completing this form you are authorising that your feedback may be used in this way, and agree that you will make no monetary or other claim against OFI for the use of it. In addition, you waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein your likeness or your testimonial appears.
Can we use your feedback in our marketing?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.